Friday, February 7, 2014

Practice Story Reflection

In my G.T. class we made a interview video about one of our teammates and what they do. My team Interviewed our team member Isabella Kotsol about her experience in tennis. This video went very well. Getting all the footage was fun because we got to use these really amazing cameras that made the shot look so clear. Filming the B-roll was probably my favorite part because we got to film her in action.

How we created our video was first, we recorded our interview with her, Our questions we asked her were both detailed and straight forward. After we were done interviewing we headed back to class to upload the videos to one of our teammates computer. That next day we started filming our B-roll for the video. When that was done we started editing our footage in Final Cut Pro. It kind of took use a while to edit because we wanted to make it perfect.

 My team worked really hard on this project. In my team was Isabella Kotsol the interviewee, Tigerlilly Zietz the camera girl and Angelie Kaden the interviewer. Making this video in my team was easy. The only hard part about making it was that we only had one period to film the footage and one period to edit it, so we all had to work together and take turns editing the footage.We ended up turning in our video late because by the tim the bell rang, our video was still exporting to our computer.


1 comment:

  1. Great reflection! The blog post helped me know what you did on the project.
