Monday, February 24, 2014

Composition Techniques

There are many Composition Techniques you can use to make your image or video interesting. However, there are four main techniques Rule of Thirds, Framing, Unusual Angles, and Leading Lines.

 Rule of Thirds are when the subject of the image is placed a to the right or left not the center, I have used this technique in many of the pictures me and my friends take and in videos for my Pd.2 G.T. class. The next technique is Framing. Framing is when there is a natural frame around the main focal point of the image, this technique is good for pictures where the main focal point of the image is important.

Unusual Angles is my favorite technique, it makes your video or pictures really interesting because it shows the subject in various angles like upwards, downwards or diagonal.The final main technique is leading lines. Leading Lines is when something natural is leading your eyes to the main subject. For example if the subject were next to a fence and the photographer took the picture against the fence, the fence would lead the viewers eyes to the subject.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Three Shot Sequences

                                        Check out the other videos that my class made 
Sequencing is very useful in videos to make them interesting. I have use sequencing in many of my videos for my period 2 G.T. Class. This video was a practice video we made so that we could learn about all three shots Wide, Medium, Close up. How we use sequencing was first we filmed Tigerlilly walking up to the door in a wide shot. Then, we filmed her pushing on the door in a medium shot going strait to a close up of her walking into the bathroom.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Practice Story Reflection

In my G.T. class we made a interview video about one of our teammates and what they do. My team Interviewed our team member Isabella Kotsol about her experience in tennis. This video went very well. Getting all the footage was fun because we got to use these really amazing cameras that made the shot look so clear. Filming the B-roll was probably my favorite part because we got to film her in action.

How we created our video was first, we recorded our interview with her, Our questions we asked her were both detailed and straight forward. After we were done interviewing we headed back to class to upload the videos to one of our teammates computer. That next day we started filming our B-roll for the video. When that was done we started editing our footage in Final Cut Pro. It kind of took use a while to edit because we wanted to make it perfect.

 My team worked really hard on this project. In my team was Isabella Kotsol the interviewee, Tigerlilly Zietz the camera girl and Angelie Kaden the interviewer. Making this video in my team was easy. The only hard part about making it was that we only had one period to film the footage and one period to edit it, so we all had to work together and take turns editing the footage.We ended up turning in our video late because by the tim the bell rang, our video was still exporting to our computer.


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

All About Me

My name is Jasmine Constantine. I was born on July 3 on the Island of Kauai. I have so far lived here my whole life. I have 2 sisters, 1 niece, and 1 nephew. I also have a dog named Tico. I am currently in 8th grade about to go into 9th grade.

My favorite activities include surfing, swimming, and being with my friends. What I like about these activities are that they all include my friends and being in the water. Most of my closest friends surf with me and we all compete in the same surf contest. 

When I grow up I would like
to be a pediatrician and go to the college with the best medical field. Being a pediatrician is very important to me because my grandmother was a doctor and I love knowing that I can save kids lives.

So thats pretty much it in my life right now. Hope you enjoyed  and please check out the rest of my blog, I would really appreciate it.
Thank You :)