Friday, April 4, 2014

Words of Wisdom

In my Pd.2 G.T class, my team and I created an interview story about our teammates Grandmothers experiences with alcohol. We chose this story because it will really teach someone what alcohol can do to your life and why you shouldn't try it. How we created this video was first we interviewed her at her house in kapaa. When we were importing our interview the power went out so we had lost all of our footage, so we had to interview her a second time. After we interviewed her, we filmed some B-roll of her working in her garden and feeding her pets.We had some difficulties filming B-roll because it was kind of raining and she lives next to a highway so it was loud. 

Our words of wisdom is important is because it shows people what happens when you get addicted to alcohol. Also it is a really inspiring video to watch. Hearing her story was amazing because most people wont admit it to anyone or even lets us film them. To see more videos like this Click Here

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Five Tips For Maintaining a Clean Room

   In the first semester, My team created a five tips video for our Pd.2 G.T class. Our topic was Maintaing a clean room. The five steps were make your bed daily, Pick everything off the floor, get ride of any unneeded items, Put all clean clothes away, and vacuum your room daily. When we were filming this project we use the three shot sequence to make our video more interesting. What my team could of done better was worked together more and reshot the part were it went unfocused. Another thing we could of done better was the voice overs because they seemed all of the place.