Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Practice Profile Story

We chose this story to show the world how our teammate Isabella Kotsol became a tennis player and how it affected her future life. Our team chose this story because it shows want a great sport tennis is and how it affected Isabellas life and future goals. Isabella was that best person to chose because she has so much energy and she knew exactly what to talk about to make our interview flow. Our video was good for our first time making one but now we know whats good and whats perfect. To see more videos like this click the link under this video.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Profile Project Progress

In my G.T media class me and some of my class mates are making a documentary called "Elders words of Wisdom". Our interviewee is Tigerlillys grandmother Annie and she's talking about her experiences of being and alcoholic and her journey of becoming sober. This interview took place at her house.She explains the difficulties of getting and being sober. We decided to interview her because we thought her story would inspire teens not to start drinking at a young age or inspire adult that are alcoholics to go get help.

The technical parts of B-roll was finding all of the right angles for our shots and to make sure the camera wasn't moving while we were filming. Another thing was that we had to make sure that we used different composition techniques so that our video wouldn't be boring.The Technical parts of our voice-overs were finding a quiet spot in our class so that we wouldn't have background noise. Another part was making sure that we could sign our a camera to film it because we were a little behind on filming our interview and B-Roll.

What my team can do to work better together is communicate better and let each other work on the project. Our team has been working together good in some parts of the project. Other parts not so much because we all have different ideas and expectations for the video. But other than that our group has been working together pretty good

My G.T class critiqued our rough cut of our project.Our team didn't do very good because we ran out of time when we were editing it. Our audio levels were all over the place, our B-roll sounds were still up so your could hear us talking in the background and finally our interview was about 4 mins over time. If my teams works hard i think we could make our video go from good to great.